Luckily, people and bombardier beetles don’t cross paths very often. Bombardier beetles live in the woods where there is the ground cover for them to hide. You won’t find any bombardier beetles in the city.
If you do come across the bombardier beetle, it can spray you with an acidic liquid that burns the skin. The spray is toxic enough to kill insects and small animals, but it won’t kill a person. It is painful to be attacked by a bombardier beetle, though.
Bombardier beetles only go on the offense when they feel threatened. Usually, it requires that they are physically touched by the threat. So one likely way that person may be attacked by a bombardier beetle is if he steps on one.
Other than that, you are not likely to be harmed by a bombardier beetle unless you are actively looking for and seeking them out for some reason. If you’re just spending a day in the woods camping and minding your own business, bombardier beetles will leave you alone.
If you do get sprayed by a bombardier, wash the affected skin as quickly as possible with soap and water. You need to get the hot, foul-smelling liquid off of your skin as quickly as possible to prevent burning.
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