Bombardier beetles like to live in grasslands and forests that get plenty of rain. They take shelter in dead wood along the banks of rivers and streams. They can carve tunnels in rotting logs and other organic matter such as piles of leaves.
Mild climates are what bombardier beetles prefer. The temperate latitudes have more of these type beetles than do areas towards the equator or the poles. Antarctica is the only continent where bombardier beetles do not live.
One reason bombardier beetles like to live in wetlands is because for their eggs to develop properly they need to lay them in a moist environment. They lay their eggs underneath the surface of the ground or underneath organic material that the larva can feed on when they hatch from the eggs.
Bombardier beetles are best suited to environments that provide plenty of ground cover for them to hide from predators. They hide under leaves, grass, and anything else they can find on the forest floor. They’ll even dig a hole in the ground and hide in the earth.
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