I like to switch back and forth between my stereo headphones and computer speakers quite frequently, depending on what application I’m using. For example, when I’m listening to music I prefer the sound quality of my headphones, but for general web surfing I would rather take the headphones off and switch […]
Is Thai Food Good for Cholesterol?
Eating Thai food regularly won’t negatively affect your cholesterol levels. For proof, look no further than the fact that very few Thai people have high cholesterol levels even though they eat Thai food every day. The only caveat I would mention is to limit your consumption of pork, which is […]
Is Thai Food an Aphrodisiac?
Some people claim that Thai food is an aphrodisiac, increasing libido and sexual desire, because of its exotic flavor and intense spiciness. But is there any truth to that? Certainly, scientifically there is little evidence to suggest that Thai food has any effect on lust. But sexual desire is a […]
How Long Can Thai Food Keep in the Fridge?
Many people buy Thai food “to go” (Ka Bon in Thai) and store it in their fridge at home to be eaten over the next day or two. Thai food can certainly be kept in the fridge for at least a couple of days after preparation, to be consumed as […]
How Expensive Is Thai Food?
One of the great things about living in Thailand is that Thai food is not only really good, but it is also incredibly cheap and inexpensive. Thai food usually costs the equivalent of between one and three dollars for a typical dish. At the Thai restaurant I frequent, you can […]
Is Thai Food Eaten with Chopsticks?
In Thailand, chopsticks are typically only used to eat noodles. Most of the time, Thai food is eaten with a spoon and fork rather than with chopsticks (and without a knife, too). Thai noodle dishes such as Pad Thai and noodle soup are usually served with chopsticks and a spoon. […]
Does Thai Food Smell?
This question makes me smile because it brings up images of me repeatedly sneezing at Thai restaurants because of the pungent smells of the food cooking on the stove. The spices are so strong in some Thai dishes that if you are sitting downwind of the cooking area the smell […]
What Desserts Go with Thai Food?
Traditionally, desserts are rarely offered or eaten with Thai food. Most Thai restaurants in Thailand don’t even offer desserts on the menu, as a matter of fact. But at the few Thai restaurants that do offer desserts, there are a wide range of offerings from brownies to cakes to ice […]